Different Types of Steel

MS Steel

5 Steel Types Needed in Construction Sector

Steel is one of the most crucial materials used in the construction sector, Its tensile strength, high durability, anti-corrosion properties, and other features make steel indispensable in myriad industries & Steel types needed in the construction sector. Steep products like beams, angles, channels, TMT bars and plates are used in commercial as well as residential construction projects. Different types of steel, like steel rebar, structural steel, MS steel, alloy steel, and tool steel, are in great demand in the construction, manufacturing, and engineering fields. In this blog, we explore the 5 steel types needed in the construction sector to help you make an informed decision.

What Are the 5 Steel Types and Grades?

Among the steel varieties available in the market, there are different types that have properties suitable for the construction sector. 

Here Are the 5 Steel Use in Constructional Field. 

1. Mild Steel 

Mild steel is one of the most popular steel grades in the construction sector. To ensure you get the best quality MS steel product in Vadodara, contact the Laxmi Enterprise. MS steel is renowned for its tensile strength, durability, malleability, and high endurance. It is ideal for pre-engineering buildings and construction projects. Mild steel’s tensile strength and flexibility make it suitable for earthquake-prone areas. They are affordable, strong, and versatile, making them perfect for diverse constructional applications. 

2. Structural Steel 

The structural steel is perfect to provide a base for construction and can be customized as per requirement. It can be shaped as per construction needs, from small structures to big buildings; structural steel is the perfect fit. Structural steel’s anti-corrosion property makes it ideal for high humid areas. Its cost-effectiveness and ease of weldability make it an affordable steel grade. 

3. Steel Rebar 

Steel rebar is carbon steel, also known as reinforcing steel. These types of steel used in construction for their tensile strength and high endurance, making them ideal for structures like masonry and RCC. The rebar steel is widely used for RCC structure as it bonds perfectly with concrete and provides strength to the entire structure. These structures remain strong even in case of heavy load. 

4. Alloy Steel 

The alloy steel is produced using carbon steel like nickel, aluminum, manganese, and others. The alloying process provides the steel with tensile strength and other properties like malleability, corrosion resistance, weldability, and ease of machinability. 

5. Tool Steel

The tool steel is used in the manufacturing of tools. It has high tensile strength even under high temperatures. It can withstand high temperatures without any impact on its integrity. It’s abrasion-resistant, which makes it perfect for construction purposes. 


These are the 5 essential steel types in the construction sector. Understanding their properties and applications is crucial for making the right choice. At Laxmi Enterprise, we offer a wide range of MS steel Vadodara products, including MS TMT bars, beams, channels, plates, and angles. Our expertise can guide you in selecting the most suitable product for your constructional project.

Also Visit: Why Use MS Chequered Plates for the Construction of Your Home?


Different Types of Steel & Steel Grades

Steel is considered as the backbone of industries. Its versatility, impressive tensile strength, and durability make it an indispensable material for construction, manufacturing, engineering, and related fields. Steel is mainly composed of iron and carbon. Its properties vary depending on treatment, composition, and process. This results in four types of steel that serve its purpose. In this blog, we explore the different types of steel, grades, and the role it plays in various industries. 

What is Steel Composed of?

Steel is a material that is basically made of iron (Fe) and Carbon (C). However, it is crucial to note that modern steel is more versatile and complex. Steel is an alloy type of material, as iron is a metallic material, and carbon is a non-metallic material. The carbon content can vary and can be upto 2%. By increasing the carbon content, it can make the steel brittle.

4 Types of Steel

The four types of steel are classified into 4 groups viz Carbon Steel, Alloy Steel, and Stainless Steel and Tool Steel. 

#1 Carbon Steel

Carbon is one of the most common types of steel. It consists of traces of elements apart from carbon and iron. It is classified into three groups based on the carbon content: 

  • Low carbon steel or mild steel (Carbon content up 0.3%)
  • Medium carbon steel ( Carbon content between 0.3 to 0.6%)
  • High carbon steel (Carbon content more than 0.6%) 

Laxmi Enterprise is a leading MS steel supplier in Vadodara. We specialize in supplying top-quality low-carbon steel products like MS pipes, MS channels, MS angles, MS TMT bars, roofing material, and much more. Contact us for the best quotes.

#2 Alloy Steel

This type of steel is made by mixing steel with other alloying components like nickel, chromium, or copper. This allows the steel to exhibit superior tensile strength, anti-corrosion resistance, improved ductility, and machinability.

#3 Stainless Steel

Stainless steel comprises 10.5 to 20% chromium. The higher the chromium content the shinner are the finished products. This type of steel displays impressive resistance to corrosion and can withstand extreme weather conditions, making it ideal for outdoor applications.

#4 Tool Steel

Tool steel is specially designed for producing drilling and cutting equipment. This type of steel exhibits excellent wear resistance and can withstand high temperatures.

Types of Steel Grades

The steel grading system classifies steel based on case use. Two of the most common global steel grading systems are:

  • SAE/AISI Steel Grade: The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) provide four-digit codes to categorize steel based on its chemical composition and case use. 
  • ASTM Steel Grade: The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) classifies steel based on its mechanical properties like durability, tensile strength, ductility, and other properties.


These steel grades are used by engineers, architects, and government agencies to ensure the consistency and quality of steel. The steel grades are standards to display the steel’s properties with specificialty to ensure precise processes and applications. Mild steel is one of the versatile, durable, and high-endurance types of steel. Laxmi Enterprise is a trusted MS steel product supplier in Vadodara. We offer a comprehensive range of MS products to cater to diverse requirements. Contact us to discuss your requirements further.

We make it easy for our customers to order for any mildsteel material like pipe, channel, angle, beam, HR Sheet, CR sheet, TMT bars etc. We provide them according to their requirement at the best quality and cost also.

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